PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC,تبلت پيپو PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PCبا سيستم عامل آندرويد 4.2,بهترين و قويترين تبلت پيپو با بلوتوث-صفحه 10.1اينچيLCD-,نازكترين و سبك ترين تبلت,تبلت پرقدرت مخصوص بازي هاي سنگين و پرگرافيك,پردازنده 4 هسته اي,گرافيك 4 هسته اي حافظه16GB داراي بلوتوث

PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC-تبلت پيپو PIPO Max M9سيستم عامل آندرويد 4.2-صفحه 10.1اينچي-پردازنده 4 هسته اي-گرافيك 4 هسته اي-آندورويد4.2-حافظه16G-بلوتوث-تبلت بهمراه مودم سيمكارتي-نازكترين تبلت-تبلت پرقدرت-تبلت ارزان-سبك ترين تبلت-كيف رايگان-صفحه محافظ رايگان-قلم حرارتي رايگان-


صفحه اصلي - فرم خريد - ثبت نام براي پيش فروش - شماره حساب بانك - خريد حضوري

PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC
ساخت تايوان

تبلت پيپو M9 با سيستم عامل آندرويد 4.2
صفحه10.1اينچ لمسي درخشان LCD -ده نقطه اي
پردازنده 4 هسته اي1.8 گيگا هرتز و گرافيك 4 هسته اي  و 16 گيگ حافظه داخلي
داراي دو دوربين قوي و بلوتوث
ضخامت 11 ميل وزن 588 گرم

فروشگاه اينترنتي كبوتر
توزيع كننده تبلت هاي پرطرفدار ارزان قيمت
مستقيم از وارد كننده بمصرف كننده

خريد از فروشگاه اينترنتي كبوتر؛
خريديست مطمئن و مقرون بصرفه

PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC-بهترين و قويترين تبلت پيپو ده اينچي با پردازنده 4 هسته اي و سيستم عامل آندرويد4.2
ضمانت يك ماه تعويض
يک قلم حرارتی رایگان
یک کیف مخمل رایگان
يك محافظ صفحه رایگان

PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC

تبلت پيپو M9 Max -با صفحه نمايش 10.1اينچي-4 هسته اي-آندورويد4.2- حافظه16G- بلوتوث دار - نازك - سبك!

مرور سريع:
تبلت پر قدرت پيپو M9 Max
نازك ترين  و سبك ترين تبلت 10.1اينچي  آندورويد 4.2 با بلوتوث
داراي دوربين جلو (وب كام) 2 و پشت 5 مگا پيكسلي بهمراه فلاش قوي
داراي 16 گيگ حافظه داخلي قابل توسعه تا 32 گيگ با حافظه جانبي دو گيگا بايتي نوعDDR3
پردازنده 4 هسته اي 1.8 گيگاهرتزي و گرافيك 4 هسته اي
نمايشگر درخشان LCD، لمسي و با دقت : 1280در800 پيکسل بهمراه سنسور جي (نمايش بسمت كاربر)
داراي حسگر تراز (ژيرسكوپ) داخلي و قطب نماي داخلي ECOMPASS
بلندگوي داخلي استريو با قدرت و كيفيت بالا و ميكرفن داخلي
پشتيباني از ويرايشگر هاي UMD, TXT, PDF, HTML, RTF, FB2…
پشتيباني از انواع قالب هاي صوتي تصويري
با توانمندي هايي چون: مديريت فايل، جستجوي گوگل، وظيفه مديريت، مرورگر، گالري، اندرويد اينترنت، ساعت، ماشين حساب، تقويم، iReader، جيميل و غيره

قابل توجه مشتريان فروشگاه اينترنتي كبوتر!
ريداران تبلت پيپو PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC-بهترين و قويترين تبلت پيپو ده اينچي با پردازنده 4 هسته اي و سيستم عامل آندرويد4.2 از مزاياي ذيل برخوردار خواهند بود:
ضمانت يك ماه تعويض
يک قلم حرارتی رایگان
یک کیف مخمل رایگان
يك عدد محافظ صفحه رایگان

كالاي سفارشي كه موجود نباشد براي تحويل در بار جديد؛ ثبت نام جهت حفظ نوبت الزامي ميباشد.

PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC-بهترين و قويترين تبلت پيپو ده اينچي با پردازنده 4 هسته اي و سيستم عامل آندرويد4.2توجه!
اين صفحه موقتي است در در آينده نزديك سايت اصلي آن www.tab.i8i.ir خواهد بود.
اين تبلت در سايت اصلي با كد PipoM9 معرفي شده است:

قيمت فروش كلي و جزئي تبلت پيپو 10.1اينچي  PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC-بهترين و قويترين تبلت پيپو ده اينچي با پردازنده 4 هسته اي و سيستم عامل آندرويد4.2:
تك فروشي 1.400.000 تومان
قيمت و موجودي قابل تغيير است لطفا تماس بگيريد.

قيمت براي همكار حداقل 3 عدد

فروش تبلت پيپو 10.1اينچي PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC در تهران توسط پيك شهري و براي شهرستان با پست پيشتاز و نقدي ميسر ميباشد.
هزينه ارسال بسته به مسير 10 الي 15 هزار تومان ميباشد.
دريافت سفارش تلفني و يا اينترنتي ميباشد.

*** 1 ماه گارانتی تعویض ***
***یک قلم حرارتی رایگان***
*** یک کیف مخمل رایگان***
*** 1 محافظ صفحه رایگان***

توصيف تبلت:
تبلت 10.1اينچي PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC از آن جهت طرفداران فراواني پيدا كرده كه داراي توانمندي هاي مورد توجه كاربران ميباشد چرا كه علاوه بر پردازنده پر قدرت 4 هسته اي و گرافيك 4 هسته اي و دقت عالي نمايشگر و حافظه داخلي 16 گيگ، زيبايي طراحي بدنه آلومنيومي؛ بسيار نازك و كم وزن(588 گرم!) ساخته شده است و نيز از جديدترين نسخه آندرويد (4.2) بهره برده است.

تبلت پيپو Max_M9 از اكثر ويرايشگر هاي متني رايج پشتيباني كرده و نيز از بسيار از قالب هاي چند رسانه اي براحتي ميتوان استفاده كرد داراي يك دوربين دو مگا پيكسلي در جلو (وب كام) و يك دوربين پركيفيت 5 مگا پيكسلي در پشت بوده و با باطري قدرتمند آن ميتوانيد تا 15 ساعت كارهاي معمولي را انجام دهيد البته نمايش فيلم و بازي در حد 5 ساعت خواهد بود. بلندگوي قوي بهمراه ميكرفن داخلي آن شما را از استفاده از گوشي هدفون بي نياز خواهد كرد.

PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC-بهترين و قويترين تبلت پيپو ده اينچي با پردازنده 4 هسته اي و سيستم عامل آندرويد4.2اگر بخواهيم مشخصه هاي تبلت پيپو PIPO Max M9 را در يك كلام توصيف كنيم ميتوانيم بگوييم اين تبلت به آخرين فن آوري روز مجهز بوده از سيستم عامل آندرويد 4.2 تا پردازنده پر قدرت 4 هسته اي با بالاترين سرعت يعني 1.8 گيگا بايتي! و در عين حال حداكثر تلاش هاي سخت و نرم افزاري بعمل آمده تا كمترين ميزان مصرف باطري را داشته باشد و از اين سه جنبه در ميان تبلت هاي موجود حرف آخر را ميزند!

تبلت پيپو PIPO Max M9 با دارا بودن دو دوربين قوي و بلوتوث نيز پردازنده پرقدرتش بهترين گزينه براي كساني است كه مايلند يك تبلت مناسب براي كارهاي سنگين و حرفه اي خود مثل بازي هاي سنگين و جذاب و يا تصاوير و فيلم هاي پر از جزئيات خيره كننده داشته باشند و از وزن بسيار كم و نازكي فوق العاده آن نيز لذت ببرند!

نكات قابل توجه در اين تبلت اضافه كردن ويژگي هاي منحصر بفرد در سري تبلت هاي پيپو ميباشد از آن جمله تعبيه دو بلندگوي بسيار قوي  در جلو كه باعث شده تا صداي تبلت با وضوح بيشتر بگوش رسيده و كمتر نياز به گوشي باشد.

براي مقايسه سخت افزاري با ديگر تبلت هاب گرانقيمت ميتوانيد ميزان بالاي عدد بنچمارك آنرا مورد توجه قرار دهيد چراكه در تبلت هايي چون سامسونك و هواوي اين عدد بمراتب كمتر ميباشد!

براي آشنايي بيشتر ميتوانيد مطالبي كه بزبان انگليسي در سايت درج كرده ايم را نيز مرور نماييد.

قيمت تبلت 10.1اينچي PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC در مقايسه با تبلت هاي سامسونگ و هواوي واقعا مناسب ميباشد و امكان تهيه آنرا براي دانشجويان و بازارياب ها و اساتيد و سخنران ها بسيار امكان پذير  و مقرون بصرفه كرده است.


مشخصات بيشتر براي آشنايي با :
تبلت 10.1اينچي پيپو PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC-بهترين و قويترين تبلت پيپو ده اينچي با پردازنده 4 هسته اي و سيستم عامل آندرويد4.2

1 - نام تجاري: پيپو
2 - مدل: PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC
3 - پردازنده: Rockchip RK3188, 1.8GHz, Cortex-A9 4 هسته اي
4 - گرافيك: Mali 400 MP4
5 - سيستم عامل: Android 4.2
6 - حافظه موقت: 2GB (DDR 3)
7 - حافظه دائم: 16GB Nand Flash
8 - پشتيباني حافظه: 32GB-TF card
9 - صفحه نمايش: 10.1اينچ
10 - نوع صفحه: لمسي - IPS- LCD - ده نقطه اي -
11 - دقت نمايش: 1280 x 800px
12 - دوربين: جلو: 2 مگا پيكسل پشت:5 مگا پيكسل
13 - ذخيره بازي: دارد
14 - بلوتوس: دارد
15 - مكان ياب: ندارد(A GPS)
16 - سيمكارت داخلي ندارد
17 - پشتيباني از فلش دارد
18 - قالبهاي تصويري: اكثر قالب هاي متداول
19 - قالبهاي صوتي: اكثر قالب هاي متداول
20 - قالبهاي متني: اكثر قالب هاي متداول
21 - صندوق پستي: دارد
22 - مرورگر: دارد
23 -

برنامه هاي كاربردي ديگر:

ماشين حساب-تقويم-بازار-زنگ ساعت-آلبوم عكس موسيقي فيلم-ES File Explorer...
24 -
قدرت باطري و
ولتاژ باطري:
7800 ميلي آمپر ساعت - 5 ساعت بازي - 6 ساعت فيلم
25 - خروجي گوشي: دارد
26 - خروجي تصوير: دارد
27 - خروجي يواس بي: دارد
28 - جاي كارت حافظه: دارد
30 - وزن تبلت: 588 گرم
31 - ابعاد: 249 x 174 x 11mm
32 - متعلقات: يك مبدل كابل USB ،يك گوشي و شارژر 5 ولتي
33 - جنس بدنه: فلز آلومينيم
34 -  رنگ مشكي

PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC-بهترين و قويترين تبلت پيپو ده اينچي با پردازنده 4 هسته اي و سيستم عامل آندرويد4.2


Package contents:
- powerline adapter
- usb - OTG cable

(1 OTG > male USB and 1 OTG > female USB)
- in-ear headphones
- Pipo M9
The tablet and it's cables where in a seperate box. The tablet's box is really slim and well designed.

مشخصات از روي برگ راهنماي داخل جعبه:
تبلت 10.1اينچي PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC



PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC-بهترين و قويترين تبلت پيپو ده اينچي با پردازنده 4 هسته اي و سيستم عامل آندرويد4.2

The PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet
1.10.1" 1280*800 IPS Screen Android 4.2 Tablet PC
2. RK3188 Quad core,1.8GHz,RAM 2GB/16GB
3.Front camera 2.0MP,Rear 5.0M
4.Bluetooth/HDMI/3G/Flash/OTG/3D gaming

PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC tablet Users’ Experience Leave a comment »Throughout the china android tablet market, and the homogenization of the Tablet PC is an issue we criticized. Also as a tablet enthusiasts have been looking for different personality Tablet.From Pipo introduced in front of several products, Pipo Tablet PC products can be seen with a number of different places, but its recently launched PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC is different this into a climax.
Pipo M9 is a powerful performance personality Tablet: unique styling, the configuration top  original 10.1-inch IPS screen, built-in mound gyro, Bluetooth, light sensing instrument, ultra-high dual camera configuration (rear AF 5.0 MP), front dual speakers. The M9 series features so fatigued players have to find a new bright spot.
Pipo M9 unique streamlined design, the ultra-thin body. Most thickness of 11mm.
Front the AAC stereo speakers, the left and right of a speaker, putting the effect is good. The location is also very good, and avoid a handheld blocking speaker.
The black models M9, with a metal back cover, matte texture good.
Rear 5 megapixel AF camera with fill light.
The streamlined design of the side, on both sides of the top are the power button and headphone jack.
Other keys and interface are all focused on the top edge of the the M9 there alone HOST interface.
The Pipo custom UI, initial desktop five screen covered with a variety of custom widgets, also has a distinctive screenshot of the taskbar icon.
Pipo M9 Software icon after landscaping, and desktop users according to their preferences desktop design.
Pipo M9 screen display warmer color, brilliant color performance.
M9 the unique PDF text and picture handwritten annotations function, it is practical.

M9, showed good results, see stock information data with its performance in Figure:
Widescreen display wide web browser page without lateral drag. Online online shopping, microblogging, read the news, magazines, and other network functions performed well.
Summary: preliminary experience PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC dual core tablet, at first glance is smoking its unique appearance, also after the actual experience of its screen and powerful comprehensive functional applications seduced.

Tags: PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC android 4.2 tablet, PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC dual core tablet, PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC review, PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC tablet


PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC-بهترين و قويترين تبلت پيپو ده اينچي با پردازنده 4 هسته اي و سيستم عامل آندرويد4.2

1 - Brand: Pipo
2 - Model: PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC
3 - CPU: Rockchip RK3188, 1.8GHz, Cortex-A9 dual core
4 - GPU: Mali-400
5 - OperationSystem: Android 4.2
6 - RAM: 2GB (DDR 3)
7 - ROM-Memory: 16GB Nand Flash
7 - Extend Card: Support TF card up to 32GB extended
8 - Shell Material: Shell Material Aluminum Shell
9 - Camera: Dual camera, front is 2.0 megapixels and back is 5.0 megapixels with a flashlight
10 - Gravity Sensor: Yes
11 - Multi-Touch: Yes, 10 points multi-touch
12 - Flash: Support Flash 11.1
13 - Google Play: Yes, built in
14 - GPS: No-(A GPS)
15 - Bluetooth: Yes,bluetooth 2.1
16 - Video: Video 1080P, AVI/MOV/MP4/RMVB/FLV/MKV…
18 - Ebook: UMD, TXT, PDF, HTML, RTF, FB2…
19 - OTG: Yes, support ExFAT, NTFS, FAT32
20 - USB HOST: 2.0
21 - Size: 10.1 inch
22 - Type: Capacitive Screen, IPS
23 - Display: LCD-IPS
24 - Resolution: 16:10 Ratio 1280*800
25 - Visible Angle: 178°
26 - Email- Browser: Yes, built in
27 - WIFI: Yes, 802.11 b/g/n
28 - 3G: Not built in, support external  dongle: E1916, ZTE AC2736, HUAWEI E1750, HUAWEI EC122, HUAWEI EM770W
29 - Battery: 7800 MAh, 7.4V
30 - Work Time: Up to 7 hours for video, 5 hours for game
31 - Language: Dutch, Indonesian, Catalan, Czech, Danish, German, English, Spanish, French, Croatian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Roman, Slovenian, Finnish, Swedish, Swahili, Vietnamese, Turkish, Zulu, Greek, Ukrainian, Russian, Serbian, Buarian, Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, Thai, Bengali, Korean, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
32 - Product Weight: 588g  pack: 1154g
33 - Extend Port: 1 x 3.5mm Earphone port
  -   1 x MINI HDMI-1080P
  -   1 x Micro USB port
1 x Micro USB host
  -   1 x TF card slot
34 - Package including: 1 x Charger 5V DC
      1 x USB cable
      1 x Earphone
35 - Product Size: 249 x 174 x 11mm
36 - Other Applications: ES File Explorer , Google Search, Google Maps, Browser, Gallery, Clock, Market, Calculator, Calendar, Video, Email, Gmail…

PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC-بهترين و قويترين تبلت پيپو ده اينچي با پردازنده 4 هسته اي و سيستم عامل آندرويد4.2

Question & Answer

Having spent about 5 solid days with the PiPo  Max M9 I feel like I am ready to share my initial thoughts about the China Tab Market's first Quad-Core Rockchip RK3188 device. Let me just state up front that my final impressions are highly favorable however I have some concerns regarding the unit as things stand. So without further ado', let's jump right in!

Let's start by talking specs... and I will highlight some of the good and bad I as move through. Hardware IS something this device packs in well... The Pipo Max M9 is the first unit out of China to offer the much anticipated Rockchip RK3188. Why is this much anticipated? Frankly, in this reviewer's opinion it is highly anticipated because of the RK3066, a dual-core chip from Rockchip that has transformed the China mobile chip market's target audience from the occasional (and serious) Western a hobbyist to the much more... harder to please... Western consumer. Why harder to please? Because the Western markets have been dominated by devices packing IPS displays and dual-core Tegra II and now quad-core Tegra III chips for the better part of 3 years now. Yes, a dual-core A9 chipset for the better part of 3 years in Western devices. The RK3066 was the first quality dual-core A9 chipset to come out of China that could even begin to compete on a level with what we have had in the West. Better yet, rather than just beat out a Tegra II by some slim margin, the RK3066 (with only 2 cores) easily offers Tegra III levels of performance which is anywhere from 2 - 3x faster than a Tegra II. Previous China chips couldn't even touch a Tegra II. So that is the interesting history lesson which brings us to the present, the RK3188. Rockchip announced the RK3188 as a cool-running 28 nm Quad-Core A9 chip that would be clocked at 1.8 Ghz and while having the same GPU as the RK3066, the Mali-400 MP4, it's GPU would be nearly double-clocked. So... hotly anticipated considering what an incredible success the RK3066 was (and still is)... we basically expected a "double helping" of RK3066... and therein also lies the biggest disappointment regarding the PiPo  Max M9... but we will get to that later.

Continuing on down the specs list for the PiPo  Max M9... here is something that makes this device extremely unique in both the Eastern AND Western Tablet world... 2 GB of DDR3 Ram... Yeah... 2 GB.... In a tablet, that is massive. Pretty much double of every top device presently on the market... and I mean EVERY TOP device. The only tablet currently on the Western Market to offer 2 Gb of Ram that I am aware of is Google's Nexus 10... which is an absolute beast... but is well outside of the price-range of the PiPo  Max M9 so it isn't a fair comparison :). In short, the fact that the PiPo  Max M9 packs 2 Gb of ram is nothing short of wonderful and quite unique at present. (Yes there are some Allwinner A31 tablets that also now offer 2 Gb of ram, but the A31 can't touch the RK3188 in regards to performance so it is being ignored for the moment).

So far so good...

Let's talk screen... The screen on the PiPo  Max M9 is what I would now call high-end "China Tab" -standard- fare... What does that mean? It means it is a 10.1" IPS panel with a respectable 1280x800 display resolution. In regards to quality, it is quite good but not excellent. It is decent bright and viewing angles or good. But it does look a bit muted and a bit darker next to say the panel in the Ployer Momo 12 or the Yuandao N90 II/Quantum Meson..., which are IMHO the two best/brightest "normal resolution" IPS panels currently available on the market. It is VERY good, don't get me wrong, and I am quite happy with it. Colors are decently vibrant and the panel is bright enough that I have been using my unit on the lowest brightness setting all week (all indoors in well-lit settings) and haven't been bothered in the least. I also am reviewing a Freelander PD80 Vogue (TNT WILL NOT BE SELLING THIS MODEL BECAUSE OF THE PANEL) which has a pretty aweful IPS 9.7" panel. I have some comparison pictures showing the PD80 Vogue (which is bad) next to the PiPo  Max M9 (which is quite good) next to the Quantum Meson (excellent) and you can see the difference. Now, I am talking strictly about the brightness and color vibrancy here, not resolution. Once again, in my opinion, 1280x800 on a 10.1" screen is just about the perfect amount of Pixels per inch of screen. Everything is very sharp and that is one thing that I do miss when I switch back to the 9.7" Meson screen at a resolution of 1024x768 which equals a lower PPI. I will also mention that my unit did have a single dead pixel near the top edge of the display but it hasn't been too bothersome (because the pixels are so tiny...) so no major complaints.

Now.... the speakers.. one of the best surprises of this device was the extraordinarily (for a tablet) loud, rear-firing, stereo speakers. You need good volume and sound? This is the tablet to get. They DO distort a bit when you max the volume and you are on a song or movie with some extremely loud sequences. I found that around 80% volume, sound was never distorted and at 80% they were probably still 150% louder than any other competing device. Perhaps that is exaggeration as I don't have a decibel meter here to measure, but, suffice to say, this unit has some of the best speakers available for a China Tablet.

As far as sensors and connectivity goes. This has fairly standard fare however I will mention that you get Bluetooth, AND... a light-sensor. The Light sensor is yet another nice "first" for me as far as China Tabs go. Automatic Brightness adjustment for the screen therefore works :). You also get a rear 5 MP camera and a front 2 MP camera. The rear camera has a flash but I will just go ahead and say it is useless.. The flash is a gimmick. The only possibly difference it will make is if you are perhaps 6 inches or less from the subject you are trying to take a picture of. So... if you are a spy and are trying to get up close shots of government documents... yay, you get a flash. Everyone else won't care.

Regarding connectivity you get TWO USB ports however I haven't tested to see if both can be used simultaneously. You also get a microSD card port and HDMI out. Finally it has a headphone jack and dedicated charging port, both of which are welcome... and expected... in a higher-end unit like the PiPo  Max M9. Regarding buttons, you get a power button and a back button along with your standard recessed reset button.

Oh yes... you get 16 Gb of internal storage which is fine :). Nothing extraordinary. You never want to get a device with less than 8 Gb and these days I personally don't like to settle for less than 16 Gb if I can help it. That being said, I have never really felt the need for MORE than 16 Gb as ample use of Wifi and Cloud Services negates the need for a lot of internal storage.

PERFORMANCE - System and Application
Let's consider performance now for a moment... this is both a success and a failing of this device depending on what your expectations are. Personally, I had imagined incredible things because I follow the market and like many that do likewise have been eagerly anticipating the arrival of this juggernaut from Rockchip based on how wonderful my RK3066 devices have all been.

However, thus far, for day-to-day usage, and surprisingly gaming, I have found this chip to be no faster than an RK3066 many tasks. I have been testing our RK3066 powered TNT branded Quantum Meson unit alongside this unit. The Meson is based on an OEM Yuandao N90 II so it has a lower resolution 9.7" IPS Panel and the dual-core RK3066. So, I am very used to how the RK3066 performs and this chip isn't much different. There is some reasons for this though... Let me explain...

1. The RK3188 is currently only clocked at 1.6 Ghz, not the anticipated 1.8 Ghz, (which hopefully will come later with better firmware/newer kernels). While it does have two extra cores, most apps don't make good use of more than 2 cores which effectively renders this advantage "null" for most activities. So the RK3066 is currently maxed in my Meson tablet at 1.6 Ghz... which means these chips are effectively offering the same computational power for most applications.

2. To further shoot the RK3188 in the foot, the GPU is only "slightly" higher clocked than same GPU which is also found in the RK3066. It isn't nearly double-clocked as promised... which is really quite sad. The fact that the PiPo  Max M9 has a slightly higher resolution display vs. the Meson and well.... you do the math... when it comes to gaming I have found the two to be about equal. That being said... I am once again hoping that firmware improvements will not only improve performance through efficiency and bug fixes, but will also get us a higher GPU clock.

Now some people are going to say I am really dogging this chip at this point. I mean, c'mon... it's a Quad. Let me just say this, it isn't just a Quad... it is THE BEST A9 chipset currently available on the market. Now, I haven't had much... luck... with the Samsung Quad chipset yet... and I have heard good things and the two are more or less equal on paper with the Samsung winning in a few areas and the Rockchip winning in a few others. But Rockchip has the feather in its cap of running Jelly Bean while Samsung Quad units are still stuck on ICS. So, as of this writing, this is the best A9 chipset you can get. There... I am being fair...

EDIT: After spending a day or so with a Samsung Quad my opinion on this matter has changed a bit. The Samsung Exynos 4412 runs more smooth right now than the RK3188, noticeably so and personally I do prefer it. The RK3188 is brilliant and in benchmarks is the stronger of the two but I have found real-world usage of the Samsung Quad to edge it out. Honestly they are neck-n-neck and right now (03/18/2012 3pm EST) I definitely prefer the Samsung Exynos 4412, that may change though as better firmware smooths out some of the RK3188's rough edges.

Now... I personally think comparing it more to the RK3066 is a bit more interesting so let me say a few positive words to that effect.

There are several reasons to prefer the RK3188 over the RK3066...

1. It is a Quad and it DOES do a few vital things noticeably better... Namely multi-tasking. Like having a big app download/install queue going and doing... pretty much anything else at the same time... I have noted that historically this kind of activity really can make system performance choppy on the RK3066... On the RK3188 that isn't the case. Happy factor goes up, annoyance factor goes down. Oh yeah, it boots really fast to... And oh yes... Internet Browsing... more snappy :)... more happy! Now, I did do "side-by-side" tests of things like application loading... The RK3188 and RK3066 are more or less identical.

2. It is a Quad and it is 28 nm and it is very very new... this means there is a very legitimate chance that performance will get significantly (perhaps even drastically) better with improved software/firmware and increased clock speeds. The Quad is important because more and more applications and android itself WILL make better use of all 4-cores. The 28 nm process is important because there is legitimate "hardware headroom" for increasing the clock-speed of this chip. The RK3066 is fabbed on a 40 nm process (bigger process means more heat, more power consumption, and less efficiency) so it is pretty much maxxed at 1.6 Ghz. We will only see marginal improvements, at best, moving forward, but the RK3188 has some real room to grow. Finally... this chip is bleeding edge new and the fact that it isn't bug ridden is incredible (the device is very stable!). But I guarantee there is major room for improvement in the firmware that will come forth in time.

3. It is 28 nm... That means battery efficiency is better. I haven't done hard battery measurements yet but it does seem to do quite well.

So while you are going to pay for it, there is the reasoning for getting an RK3188 vs the RK3066. Let's consider other chips. I am going to keep this brief. Apart from the Samsung Exynos Quad, there is no other chip currently on the market out of China worth considering. That is a strong statement to make, let me back it up. The Allwinner A31 is the "nearest" contendor but it only packs 4 x Cortex-A7 cores... A7... You are looking at anywhere from a 20 - 50% performance improvement in an A9 core vs an A7 core. The A31 is a bargain-chip, not a serious performance solution but it is being sold at "serious performance solution" prices. Not to mention that early devices have all been very buggy. It isn't worth your money right now. The ActionTech chips aren't worth mentioning. Performance is very low and they use a lower power and oft-unsupported GPU solution. The only advantage is their possible pricing maybe power efficiency. Don't expect much support for them though.


While we are talking performance I think it would be fitting to also mention Wifi. In short, it is workable but they could have done better. I don't get why China can't spend $3 more and put in a killer Wifi antennae and fix our woes. Unfortunately they didn't. I have found the range to be moderate-to-good but not excellent. In the light of all China tabs it is decidely okay and probably in the top 25% or so. To give some numbers... In the same room with the router about 3 feet away, Wifi Analyzer shows about -42dBm (-40dBm is perfect, so this is slightly less than perfect). Let me show you the comparison between the Quantum Meson WiFi as we stretch out the distance...

Same Room: -40 dBm
Next Room(10 ft): -40 to -42 dBm
Next Room (35 ft): -60 dBm

PiPo  Max M9
Same Room: -40 to -42 dbm
Next Room(10 ft): -48 db to -60db (average about -52 dBm)
Next Room (35 ft): -62 to -68

----Anything more than -70 dBm (all of the above) is quite usable in my experience if we are talking just internet browsing, even on content heavy sites like, for example, Amazon (lots of images).----

Oddly, the PiPo  Max M9 seemed to be more erratic but there are two different ways to interpret that. Often the Meson would be a bit slow to update its stat readings and the PiPo  Max M9 would be quicker. However when left in the same area the PiPo  Max M9 would jump back and forth between a fairly wide range as shown above in the 10 foot test, whereas the Meson would jump but only a bit. So the question is, is the PiPo  Max M9 Wifi a bit unstable? Or is is the device just updating more quickly? I would like to think the Wifi is unstable and firmware will fix it =) but my guess is that that Wifi is probably a bit unstable on both devices and my router is to blame. The PiPo  Max M9 is just showing the signal update a bit more quickly. Honestly I am not sure so I did a real-world test and the result was interesting. I loaded up the youtube app on both devices and started up the same HD video on both. The results? Nearly identical in ALL locations. Each would buffer and play at more or less the exact same time with less buffer close to the router and more farther away as is expected. So, the signal strength appears to be a bit stronger on the Meson but the PiPo  Max M9 doesn't seem to be negatively affected by it. Now, if I had had my original N90 II to test against it would have been even more interesting as it had extremely good WiFi for a China tab.

Performance conclusion.... there is a lot of potential... and paired with 2 Gb of RAM well... there is a WHOLE lot of potential. Right now, you are getting a slight upgrade from the RK3066 that has a lot of head-room for future improvement. As the chip is proving to be very stable, there is no reason to "avoid" the RK3188 right now, not at all. So if you have the cash, buy an RK3188 device.

Regarding the Wifi... I wish it could have better signal quality but the "real-world" test showed that it was decent and definitely usable from a fair distance with a wall or so in-between so most folks should be happy.PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC-بهترين و قويترين تبلت پيپو ده اينچي با پردازنده 4 هسته اي و سيستم عامل آندرويد4.2


Styling is a big win for the PiPo  Max M9 and I only have a few minor gripes. First, this device is wonderfully thin and decently lightweight. In my opinion, it is right at the limits of being "too thin" for comfort... which is the perfect place to be.

The rear of the device looks slick. The brushed metal back panel looks very modern industrial and very cool. The plastic rear side panels have a bit of "grip" to them which makes them functional. Personally, I think the plastic detracts a little bit but not enough for me to take marks away. The one gripe I have is the bloody rear camera. It's like PiPo had an excellent team of designers and then when they got to the camera design, they pretty much brought in someone from the factory line and gave them a pencil and asked them to stencil in how the felt like the camera should look with no input from their fabulous design team that, you know... designed everythign else. Basically, the camera sits in a small, plasticy cheap painted chrome squared that protrudes slightly from the rear of the device. In the grand scheme of things, it is a very minor quibble, but when you look at it closely you just kind of "sigh" and remember that yes, at the end of the day, this device is built AND designed in China. Now to balance that, I will say the rear speakers are implemented nicely and look slick. Finally, the ports... the ports are ALL along the top of the device. I wish other device makers would stop and take note. It is WONDERFUL having the bloody ports at the top of the device. The only thing I woud change is I would have put the headphone jack on one of the sides but aside from that, having the ports (and buttons) up there is the best move ever. It keeps them out of the way for 90% of your activity and it makes the HDMI way easier to use.

Regarding build-quality... okay... next to a Momo 12 this unit does feel a bit more "cheap" but that is next to a Momo 12, which is one of the best built units currently available from China. If I were going to rank build quality on units out of China though, this unit would be in the top 10%. It is very well built all the way around and the final result is excellent. Please understand I am also a bit "biased" here because I am VERY used to use a 9.7" 4:3 formfactor device and very much so prefer the feel and screen-size of such a device. Personally, I find the 10.1" size a bit awkward but this is all personal preference and others will have the opposite opinion. I just mention this as it probably does effect my thoughts as it goes into the "comfort level" of use the unit for me.

Finally, I did get busy and I did disassemble the unit. The front screen and guts pop out from the rear panel which the speakers are attached to by adhesive tape. Internally it looks good. I was impressed by the cleanliness and layout of the internals on my old PiPo M1 and that thought continues with the PiPo  Max M9.


Shew... that was a whole lot of typing... in the end, the PiPo  Max M9 is pretty much one of the best China tabs you can pick up at the moment. The hardware combination is more-or-less unrivaled and the build quality and incredible speakers are icing on the cake. While the RK3188 is a bit lackluster at the moment, it is currently still an improvement over the RK3066 (which was excellent in its own rite) and has a lot of headroom for growth in the coming months as better firmware is released and we hopefully get the clock bump we all want.

Wifi could be better, but I can (and do) say that about pretty much all China tabs save for the Yuandao N90 II I used to own which apparently was a bit of a unicorn...

So, if you have the cash, buy this device. If you don't, the RK3066 is still a great option and a very mature chipset at this point. My 2-cents is that every should still avoid both the Allwinner A31 -and- any and all retina display units as performance is severely hampered on the latter and performance is lacking at that price-point on the former.


Permalink Submitted by MIke Russon (not verified) on Fri, 04/19/2013 - 11:52.
PiPo  Max M9
Great Review! I bought one and personally I love it. Having used others from Ramos, the Pipo is a winner for me.
Permalink Submitted by Gaz (not verified) on Fri, 04/19/2013 - 14:12.
Great review Roman. May I add
Great review Roman. May I add that some comment on the performance of the front and rear cameras would be useful for prospective buyers. As well as the stills resolution, information on the video resolutions and some still image samples if at all possible. Thanks!
Permalink Submitted by tecknight (not verified) on Thu, 05/02/2013 - 06:00.
Excellent review !!
thanks for the excellent review. by far the best review i have seen for this device and it answers all of my questions !!
Permalink Submitted by SPECTRA9 (not verified) on Thu, 05/02/2013 - 09:13.
Great and thorough review
Great review. However, as you've mentioned somewhere that you do prefer the Exynos 4412 tablet in term of overall smoothness, I'd love to see the PiPo  Max M9 head to head with an Exynos 4412 based tabs such as the Hyundai T10, both in day to day common task, as well some heavy 3D gaming
Permalink Submitted by albert gamatan (not verified) on Sat, 05/04/2013 - 02:54.
Sir is firmware available in the playstore? for example i'll but PiPo  Max M9 now, how will i upgrade my firmware if the PiPo  Max M9 firmware is available?
Permalink Submitted by nbeam85 on Mon, 05/06/2013 - 09:55.
Regarding Firmware
You don't get firmware from the play store. For china tabs you pretty much have to get it from the manufacturer's website and then you use a special tool to flash it. TNT also provides a lot of custom firmware for all the models we sell. you can visit our sister site http://www.rockchipfirmware.com if you are interested in some of our custom roms. Regards!
Permalink Submitted by Devin tabacsko (not verified) on Sun, 05/12/2013 - 19:41.
Excelent Review
Thanks Alot Bud, Your review was very thorough and complete. everything i was wondering about has been discussed here. thank yoyu so much. the average joe like me will benefit greatly from your expertise. i am in fact going to buy one of these tomorrow am.

اتصال به اينترنت:

تبلت پيپو PIPO Max M9 داراي سيمكارت داخلي نبوده و براي اتصال به اينترنت سه گزينه وجود دارد:Huawei E1750 USB Modem

گزينه اول: اين تيلت سخت افزاري 3G دروني ندارد ولي از تعدادي مودم سيمكارتي (يو اس بي كارت) پشتيباني ميكند كه ميبايست  طريق پورت يو اس بي متصل و نصب و پيكر بندي كامل شود.
مودم سيمكارتي هواوي E1750 يكي از گزينه هاي توصيه شده ميباشد كه ميتوانيد توسط ما تهيه بفرماييد.

گزينه دوم: تبلت پيپو PIPO Max M9 داراي واي فاي داخلي بوده و ميتوانيد از محيطي كه توسط مودم اي دي اس ال بدون سيم تحت پوشش شبكه قرار گرفته به اينترنت متصل شويد.Huawei E5832 USB & WiFi Modem

گزينه سوم: تبلت پيپو PIPO Max M9از آنجا كه هم از 3G  و هم از WIFI پشتيباني ميكند ميتوانيد از مودم جيبي سيمكارت خور واي فاي E5832 ساخت هواوي استفاده كنيد كه در اين صورت نيازي به پيكر بندي كردن شبكه مورد استفاده تان نيست و بسهولت مودم در تبلتتان نصب ميشود.
اين مودم را نيز ميتوانيد توسط ما تهيه بفرماييد.



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PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC-تبلت پيپو M9-10.1اينچي-پردازنده 4 هسته اي-گرافيك 4 هسته اي-آندورويد4-حافظه8G-بلوتوث دار-مودم سيمكارت خور-نازكترين تبلت-تبلت پرقدرت-تبلت ارزان-سبك ترين تبلت-كيف رايگان-صفحه محافظ رايگان-قلم حرارتي رايگان

PIPO Max M9 Quad Core Tablet PC,تبلت پيپو M9,10.1اينچي,پردازنده 4 هسته اي,گرافيك4هسته اي,آندورويد4,حافظه8G,بلوتوث,تبلت بهمراه مودم سيمكارتي,نازكترين تبلت,تبلت پرقدرت,تبلت ارزان,سبك ترين تبلت,كيف رايگان,صفحه محافظ رايگان,قلم حرارتي رايگان

تبلتPipo Tablet
تبلت 10.1اينچي
تبلت با پردازنده 4 هسته اي
تبلت با گرافيك 4 هسته اي
تبلت با سي پي يو 4 هسته اي 1.8 گيگ
تبلت 16 گيگا بايتي
تبلت آندرويد 4.2
مودم مخصوص تبلت
مودم هواوي 1750 مخصوص تبلتبا ارزانترين قيمت
مودم هواوي مخصوص تبلت 100 تومان
تبلت ارزان
تبلت پيپو
تبلت پيپو M9
قيمت تبلت
PIPO M9 Quad Core  16GB Tablet PC
كيف رايگان
قلم حرارتي رايگان.
حافظ صفحه رايگان
فروشگاه اينترنتي كبوتر